What makes diamonds stand out beyond any other precious gemstone is their fire and brilliance. While nature determines the color and clarity of a stone, diamond cut is dependent solely upon the skill of the cutter.
The cut of a diamond is what determines how the light that enters the diamond is reflected and therefore how much fire and brilliance the diamond will exude. A diamond that is cut too shallow with respect to its width will allow too much light to pass straight through the diamond, leaving little light to reflect. Such a diamond will appear dull and lacking in brilliance. Conversely, a diamond cut too deeply will allow light to escape from the sides of the diamond, also appearing dull.
Shallow Cut:
Light is lost out the sides, causing the diamond to lose fire and brilliance.
Deep Cut:
Light goes straight through the diamond, causing it to appear dark and dull.
Ideal cut:
This is a very rare cut, that reflects nearly all light that enters the diamond and creates the maximum fire and brilliance.
Premium cut:
Reflects almost as much light as the Ideal Cut, but for a lower price, and is a Diamonds On Web recommended buy.
Good cut:
Reflects most light that enters the diamond, but not as must as a Premium Cut diamond. This is less expensive than the Premium Cut and is a Diamonds On Web recommended buy.
Fair cut:
These still are a quality diamond, but a Fair Cut diamonds will not be as brilliant as a good cut.
Poor cut:
All the diamonds that do not meet the Fair Cut quality standards are placed in. These diamonds are deep and narrow or shallow and wide and tend to lose most of the light out the sides and bottom. Diamonds On Web does not carry Poor Cut diamonds.
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